Stepping Into the Arena: The Lessons we Model in Courage and Growth

Stage Fright.

Last night, when we were tucked up in bed reflecting on the show we had watched at the theatre, my 6 year old son said something that made me pause:

"How do people stand on stage and do that in front of so many people? I could never do that. I don’t know how they do it."

His words captured the awe and fear so many of us feel when we witness others stepping into spaces that challenge them.

It made me think about his perspective, how brave you must seem to stand in the spotlight and put yourself out there. Why would anyone willingly do something so scary?

I explained to him that when you choose to step into the arena, as Brené Brown says, you open yourself to opportunities you’d never otherwise experience.

You show yourself that you’re capable of extraordinary things, even things that scare you - and through those experiences, you grow.

We talked about how the journey begins with a commitment: deciding you’ll do something, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.

The next step is taking action - actually stepping into your own arena, trying it, even when fear is loud.

And finally, you reflect. You ask yourself how it felt, what the outcome was, and what changed because you took that leap.

Sometimes, the first attempt doesn’t go as planned. Maybe the second won’t either. But success comes through perseverance and resilience in the face of setbacks. The more you honour your commitment to show up, to try, to push yourself, the closer you get to succeeding, finding your path, and growing.

As I shared this with him, I realised how important it is to model these lessons for him. For my 6-year-old to truly understand what it means to step into his arena, he needs to see me doing it too.

I’m stepping into my own arena every day - shifting from being a full-time parent to building my coaching business and redefining my identity. It’s a journey that’s far from perfect. It’s scary, daunting, and overwhelming at times, but I made a commitment to myself and my clients to show up, to keep pushing, and to keep learning.

Every day, I honour that commitment by stepping into the arena, knowing that each step brings growth. In doing so, I hope to show my son - and anyone watching - that courage isn’t about being fearless. It’s about showing up despite the fear and proving to yourself that you are capable of extraordinary things.

What’s your arena? Where will you choose to step in today?

If you would like to know how I can support you to step into your own arena, get in touch below. I would love to connect with you. Let’s take that first step together.

Sophie Abell, GMBPsS

I’m a qualified and credentialed Emotional Wellness Coach with a degree in Psychology and a registered member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), where I gained EIA Global Senior Practitioner status.

With a blend of Coaching, Psychology, and Lived Experience, I support emotional wellness, specialising in maternal health. Through my tailored programmes, I empower mums to build resilience, release guilt, and create a work-life balance that aligns with their new priorities, nurturing both their professional and family lives.

07813 269969

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