The Power of Vulnerability

My journey with vulnerability began a few years ago when my husband introduced me to the book Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. He was deeply inspired by her research on vulnerability, shame, and courage, and encouraged me to read it. Although it took me some time to dive in, once I did, the impact was life-changing. The book sparked a transformative journey of personal growth, inviting me to embrace vulnerability as a strength rather than a weakness.

Since then, I’ve committed to stepping into my own arena with courage, showing up authentically even when it’s uncomfortable or requires bravery. Vulnerability has become a guiding principle in my life, enabling me to connect more deeply with others and with myself. With that in mind, I’d like to share a vulnerable moment with you.

As a practising Emotional Wellness Coach with both lived experience and formal training, I had a profound experience recently that left me reflective and open. My hope is that by sharing this, it will resonate with you and deepen your own relationship with vulnerability, enriching your emotional wellness journey.After months of searching for a group relaxation class, I found a yoga session that felt like a good fit. The instructor had shared her powerful story of overcoming crippling anxiety, which led her to become a yoga teacher. Her honesty and vulnerability struck a chord with me.

Leading up to the class, I felt nervous and unsure. Would the room be filled with experienced people effortlessly performing complex poses? How would I feel as a first-timer? Self-conscious? Incapable?

A few years ago, I made a commitment to embrace vulnerability. With that in mind, I reached out to the instructor to share my anxieties. Her warmth and understanding reassured me, showing once again the power of expressing vulnerability and receiving kindness in return.

The first class exceeded my expectations. The room was warm and the people were welcoming. I realised my fears were unfounded, and my anxieties faded away.

The second class, focused on self-love, appreciation, and gratitude. It deeply moved me. During meditation, I was guided to nurture, appreciate, and love myself; my body, my mind, and everything I am.

By the end of the class, I was overwhelmed with emotion. Why was I suddenly tearful?

As I sat quietly, reflecting on my feelings and listening to my body, I realised that for years, I had neglected myself; disliking my postnatal body, feeling inadequate as a parent, and never prioritising my own needs. But here I was, offering myself love, care, and gratitude. This was a new experience for me, and even though I hadn't consciously noticed it during the class, my body had felt it.

I found myself crying, as if apologising for years of self-neglect.

I share this experience because I truly understand the power of vulnerability. It reminds us that we are not alone, that our struggles are part of our shared humanity. It only takes one person to be brave, to show courage, and to let their vulnerability be seen. In doing so, they can inspire and comfort others silently suffering, reminding them they are not alone.

As an Emotional Wellness Coach, I understand human behaviour, but this doesn’t make me immune to challenges. We all face them.

If you take anything from my vulnerability today, let it be this:

"Have the courage to embrace your vulnerability. Sit with it. Feel it. Acknowledge its presence. When we allow vulnerability in, we open the door to growth, new opportunities, and healing. We offer others the gift of comfort, reassurance, and hope."

My vulnerability led me to this yoga class, where I learned to love, appreciate, and show gratitude for myself. This is my growth, and it’s a journey I will continue to build on. Without vulnerability, I wouldn't be on this path today.

If this inspires you to embrace vulnerability, I would love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out and share your experience with me. The more we courageously share our vulnerabilities, the more we inspire others to do the same. Book a complimentary call with me today and let’s connect!

Sophie Abell, GMBPsS

I’m a qualified and credentialed Emotional Wellness Coach with a degree in Psychology and a registered member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), where I gained EIA Global Senior Practitioner status.

With a blend of Coaching, Psychology, and Lived Experience, I support emotional wellness, specialising in maternal health. Through my tailored programmes, I empower mums to build resilience, release guilt, and create a work-life balance that aligns with their new priorities, nurturing both their professional and family lives.

07813 269969

Stepping Into the Arena: The Lessons we Model in Courage and Growth